Monday, October 23, 2017

Sugar Mommas are Much Younger Than They Used to Be

The phrase Sugar Momma immediately conjures up a stereotypical image in the minds of most people.

Maybe ten to fifteen years ago, the general perception was that a Sugar Momma was likely to be an independently wealthy, unattached woman in her 50s or possibly even her 60s. She may well have married and been divorced or separated, or perhaps even widowed, but now was free and available - and looking for a younger man to bestow her favours upon and take care of.

Perhaps unfairly, the typical view was that such Sugar Momma was past her prime in terms of the way she looked, the contours of her figure and the way she maintained herself. After all, she was a rich woman (either earned or inherited wealth), so she could do as she pleased - and, if there was a young man, or two, who was looking for a Sugar Momma then here was an opportunity for her to enjoy some pleasure with him.

Nowadays, with society being more liberal and far more women having good careers and being in high level positions of power in companies or governments, the typical profiling has changed, and you can find a number of Sugar Mommas in their early 40s or even late 30s…

Many of these modern Sugar Mommas are, or have been, driven career women who have foregone the wish to marry and settle down in order to prove to themselves and to others that they have a special business ability and desire to get ahead. Some of these women, too, may have been married but the demands of their careers has meant that the marriage or liaison has been short-lived and they are now alone and single again.

For this type of younger, dynamic Sugar Momma, they simply do not have the time or inclination to look for a man through regular dating channels; they really do not want to be bothered with all of the hassles associated with looking for and meeting a new man.

Bearing in mind that many of these younger Sugar Mommas will still be attractive, with good figures and probably well dressed and manicured, the thought process is, often, along the lines of : Why not just look for a younger man - someone who is handsome and fit, with a good body shape and well-presented? He can be available if the Sugar Momma wants him to be…, and not if she doesn’t. The young man isn’t carrying the relationship baggage of an older man and, almost certainly, is not looking for a long-term relationship.

Is it any wonder that many younger Sugar Mommas are turning to this dating option to satisfy their love life?

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